Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yeah I know what you are thinking......

I know where have you been? What are you doing? What is going on? So here is the deal remember how in my last post I was going to Indiana for 3 weeks on vacation.

Well.....I am staying in Indiana!!!!! I know what heck. Total shocker to me also I wasn't planning on staying no one was. I went by my old job on Thursday the 22 to see my friend we talked and thought we would play a joke on my old boss. The job I had when I was here opened up bout a month ago I knew it was open Fuzzy had already tried to get me to take it. So Connie and i thought it would be funny to fill out the bid form for the job and put it on his desk so we did. I wasn't expecting him to really do anything about it. Connie text me and said he was looking into bringing me back then the HR lady calls me says they want me to go to Kelly and fill out the app. Because they aren't hiring right now they have to go through Kelly. I tell her I need to think about it and talk it over with some people and I would get back to her(my parents and Melissa). So I talk to Melissa she is cool with it then I make the phone call to dad DOOM DOOM DOOM. He was more worried about the plane ticket then anything I couldn't believe it. He isn't excited because it is so far away from them but, he knows that there aren't jobs there for me.

So I called my old boss back told him i could start on Nov 2 (I am on vacation remember) because I am going to Indy the last week on October. I go down to Kelly Friday morning fill everything out the lady says they want you to start on the 26. I said no I told them I can't I am going to Indy for the week. Then I said ok I will start on the 26th IF I can have Friday off that is the only way they said ok. So I started back at my old job yesterday. Can you believe that WOW I am still in shock.

Last night went really well there are things that will come back over time I know mostly it is learning the numbers of things again. Otherwise all is well I am happy Melissa is happy we got my room all set up well cleaned up more she already had it set up. I will be so happy after this weekend I wont have to live out of a suitcase anymore. After I get a couple pay checks going to send dad money to send me more clothes and shoes. It really sucks when you know you have something some where and you can't get it so annoying I hate that.

So that is what is new and exciting in my life i tell you, you never know what will happen or where I might be.

On a totally different matter I just want to say when you were a kid and your parents made you clean the house and you said they only had you to clean their house ( that is what I said). We used to tease my dad and say your dirty is everyone else's clean. Then you grow up and have a place of your own and you keep it clean you fell proud of that and don't realize that is what they were going for teaching you to do those things. I am very thankful for all the things my parents taught me as a child I didn't know it then but I do now that they were all very important things for me to learn.

Thanks Mom and Dad for being great christian role modles, taking us to church every week, and teaching us things about life that we didn't understand at the time. I know I have made my own mistakes but, you have always been right there praying for me and the Lord's will in my life. Thank you for being the best parents I love you guys.