Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Man it has been CRAZY

I know I haven't updated in awhile a lot has happened since my last update. I was laid off from work on November 19. Then started working at School Bus Inc. as an aid the next day which was a God sent. I am still there and making it work the best I can. I am still looking for a better job but, haven't found anything yet. We had a good thanksgiving with Grandma and Granpa much fun was had by all. It is always hard to see them go I miss them as soon as they leave.

Then my Birthday yeah I am another year older now man where did the time go. I had a good birthday my friend Liz took me to the movies to see Twilight which I am so into. I have read all the books and now Liz is all into the books too.

Christmas was good to had Christmas at Mindy's with the kids. Mom and Dad rented a room at one of the hotels that has a indoor water park. I helped them watch the kids they had a blast it was so cool they love the water and Sam must have went down the slide a million times. They didn't want to leave but, all things come to an end.

New Years not much happened I went out with Liz and Jermey to the Castaway Bar which was so fun it is in a hotel that has a water park inside so their were kids everywhere having ablast it was fun gonna have to get a room there next year and do that again. That pretty much brings us up to date not much is happening. I know pretty boring isn't it catch you later.