Monday, July 5, 2010


I never know how to start my blogs out... So here we go.

Today I went to the lake with this AWESOME couple from church and his brother much fun was had by all. I got to thinking when I got home how much I LOVE hanging with them. I learn something new every time they are so honest and true. You know like you don't feel like they are fake like I have said before I have seen so many fake christians. I always said that I never wanted to be one but, you know what I was really I was a fake person completely. I was one way around my parents, church, and family then went to work, or hang out with my non- christian friends and be completely different.

Now that I have become more faithful in my prayer life and just faithful to God and all he is doing I feel like I am finding ME.. I think I could have told you about me before but, now I am discovering this whole new person that I want to be. I almost feel like a baby christian I craving being around other christians.

There is this super sweet couple in the church they are so fun, she is loud and boisterous he is tall and funny. They are just cute together then you throw in his brother who is just hilarious and so honest about everything. They really have made me open my eyes to a new way of thinking and I am loving it. I was already shouting for God the last 5 months but, the last 3 weeks it has been even more. It amazes me how a conversation with someone can open your eyes so much more.

I look back at where I was going now I was leading my life even 9 months ago and think WOW why was I doing that? How was I never here in the spot that I am now? Why did I never feel like I wanted to shout for Jesus before? Now I want to stand on the roof and tell everyone I see... I am not complaining at all I am so happy with where I am right now and I can't wait to see where it is going to go.