Monday, March 23, 2009

It has been awhile.

Man there has been so much more happen since the last post. I really need to do this more often I just get busy and don't think about it. Plus I made this blog as a place for me just to vent and say what ever I want. Anyway when I last left you i was living in South Dakota. Not so anymore I am now a Texan. Of course Texan's don't think that bout I am calling myself that. I love the south it is the best place to live the people are just so much nicer here than in the north. Now don't get me wrong there are nice people in the North but, everyone is nice here.

So I guess you want to know how this all came about and the whole what you doing now. The middle of january my brother-in-law was laid of. Two weeks later he came across an add for a job he called the number spoke to a guy sent his resume. The next day Roger spoke to the guy again they wanted to see Roger and wanted to know how soon he could get to Houston, Tx. My sister and Roger left that weekend leaving the Children in my hands with the help of others. Let me tell you that was a crazy 4 days children were sick and unhappy. They of course liked Roger, he liked the company they put him up for a month and my sister came home to pack up the house.

Then came the 'You know you could come with. I'll need some help.' Which didn't hurt me any I was more than willing to move leave that cold weather. I don't and wont miss that at all. I decided to come with I packed up my stuff also and came to Texas too. It has been great I'm still looking for a job but, I know God will provide one.

There has been another good come out of it I quit smoking I haven't had one in 7 days. I am so proud of myself I am trying really hard this time and I think this is the longest I have went. So go me!!!!!!!

I think that is about all I will post more in a little while need to go to bed. Love always Toni