Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lots to say......

I have lots of thoughts going through my little brain tonight it happens all the time tho. I wander things like where is my prince that I was promised in the fairy tales???

Why do I obsess about said prince knowing that they only exist in fairy tales??? Yeah I know there are a few princes out there but, they belong to someone else. Seriously how can one person obsess over something so much it is always in my mind. No one understands the way it is people say 'oh you are still young you have time' yeah yeah. That is not the point why can't I have the fairy tale I always wanted????

When I was a kid the only thing I ever wanted when I grew up was to get married and have kids. Sounds so easy yet not at all. Even harder when everyone you know has kids and a man I am surrounded by them.

I know having a man and kids doesn't bring happiness I am not saying that at all I am very happy with my life I just want my fairy tale also is that so much to ask???

Then are always the wonderful people who ask you are you married? Do you have any kids??? Or this is the other one that I get are you the one that is married??? Seriously so that is how I am known as the non married daughter nice thanks!!! Like I'm not depressed enough I need to be asked all these lovely questions.

Ok I think I am done complaining that is my rant for the week..



Dude, your FB status has changed in an interesting and seemingly God-blessed type of way. Spill it. You have a blog, Dear.


Miss you. CALL ME!
